Безумства нужно совершать - но крайне осторожно || Механический будильник, отстающий на пятьсот веков
31.10.2017 в 18:06
Пишет  feyra:

u can have my heart as a present, ожидание (надежда и свет) vs реальность (гримрипер и скорбь), оно же — запад с мракобесия. навернуть двусмысленности было непросто, но я смогла

I’ve awaited my death since childhood I’ll admit
I was eager to wait though knew that it will be coming
Every day one step closer steadier than heartbeat
In the end I will kneel before it at last succumbing
I was born on the day of magic and mysticism
To the life that was neither boring nor truly thrilling
Death will come through a broken mirror’s distorted prism
May the terror and dread be all it will be instilling
Yes I knew all along that reaper will come for me
And I often imagined it to be grim and mournful
I’m as blind as the justice to the voiceless plea
Of the ones who will once become the unworthy offal
It beseems me to be as patient and still as stone
In between the sepulchral visions and pumpkin cupcakes
Trick or treat has been more a reason to feel alone
Than a chance to connect with others with no uptakes
I was confident that my reaper will come someday
It will enter the room and I’ll recognize its footfall
I was waiting for monstrous stature to slip away
Through the shadows till there’s nothing again to root for
I was hoping to see the thoroughly polished skull
And the hollow eye sockets flooded with pure darkness
When you entered the hall I saw through your rugged hull
And the perfectly handsome neatly assembled carcass
I was certain that instant you’ll be my downfall
I was eager to wait and look I am still here waiting
You have entered my life to vanquish me or enthrall
Either way there’ll be something deep in my chest pulsating
Though my reaper is all I didn’t dare hoping for
Your endearing features hardly evoking terror
It’s extremely unlikely I could be wrong before
There’s evil within you waiting to be laid bare
When I die I presume that you will be by my side
With your eyes almost hollow darkening every moment
Syne for you I’m the only eligible opponent
Will you chastise me forthwith or lower the faithful scythe?


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@темы: Fascinating *-*, Стихи