Безумства нужно совершать - но крайне осторожно || Механический будильник, отстающий на пятьсот веков
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23.11.2017 в 06:35
Пишет feyra:くすぶる残り火URL записиThere weren’t a great many things that Himura Hideo was really, properly afraid of. He was
sure he could list his fears on one hand if he tried hard enough, but two were particularly bad:
the fear of losing Arisugawa Alice, and the fear of going over the edge and taking a life.
Acadjonne, Twin Skeletons-
I have fiercely protected everything that I cherish and so far we have lived in happiness side by side. The collapsar inside me — fear that one day you'll perish — makes it harder to «think» but hopefully not «decide». It's a stable reminder not to invoke the menace and to face it alone in nuisances yet to come. Your intention to help me is an alarming premise of your future attempt to save me in fatal scrum. It is safer to lie, comforting your every trouble, that I won't get involved in peril of any kind. Overmastering fondness encloses me like a bubble, t's protecting me from my over-incisive mind. I've been leading ahead and blazing a trail behind me, always knowing that you are following in my steps. You've been folding my self as neatly as origami into something much better and probably less perplexed. You're the reason I'm standing shakily on the needle when I've long could have fallen down the rocky cliff. You have solved me way back like I was another riddle, yet for me you remain a mystery or a myth. I don't think I can name the feeling that moves us forward or define it at all, as mutual as it is. Our novel so far has barely reached the foreword. You amaze me a lot, you'll hopefully never cease. And if I'm to decide on whether to face the hazard or to put you — again — in danger of any sort... It is not my intention, Alice, to keep you dazzled and I scorn the deception being my last resort. I'm afraid I won't last without you, that much is certain, so I value your life and safety above my own. But you see the deceit and carefully draw its curtain, with unfaltering gaze that's piercing me to the bone. I was foolish to think that you will accept protection, being robbed of the means to likewise protect in turn. It is safer to lie, though I will make an exception. It is safer to smoulder, though guess we will have to burn.
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